Please carefully read this document
February xx, 2025
This document contains information about the limitations to the use of the product.
It is highly recommended to read through this document before using this product.
For system requirements, please visit System Requirements.
When backup process speed to this product running on Docker is significantly slow, please change the settings for maximum UDP buffer size on Linux system on the host and try again.
Ex: Maximum buffer size is configured to be 4MB.sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=4194304
sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=4194304
When backup process speed is improved, please add the following in “/etc/sysctl.conf” file and the settings are perpetually applied.
When data are in wait for write to the storage, the data in wait are evacuated to the memory space (primary cache) until the memory usage of the entire system reaches the predefined value (70% by default). Once the size of the primary cache become plentiful, only the data size written from cache to storage can be processed. As a result, the process speed on backup client slows down.
When installing this product in Linux environment, E-Mail notification is received in English.
When running consolidation task from ImageCenter for the incremental backup files created by enabling [Split image into xx MB files] option on ActiveImage Protector client, the consolidation task may fail in -413 error.
When accessing via a Web browser that restricts access to the sites that use self-certification, such as FireFox, specify the Web Socket port and try again. The default Web Socket port is 58337. Ex:https://localhost:58337
When accessing the site again, if you get the message “Secure connection failed”, please launch Web browser again and retry.
If accessing from Actiphy StorageServer running as a Docker container, it will appear as Client